Up-sells in 5 secrets
You’ve got a great product or service, you’re working hard, and you’re confident in the success you’ve enjoyed so far. Your profits would go through the roof, if only you could get more out of what you were doing. If that sounds like you, then you need to learn the art of the follow-up.
Apply the upscale secrets we have below and you’ll see an increase in sales and profit margins as you’ll be selling products and services from a position of authority.
Secret 1: How to Cherry Pick from the Three Kinds of Leads
The leads you can find with a marketing campaign can be divided into three categories;
- Hot — leads ready now
- Warm — leads that are going to be ready soon (these are crucial to success)
- Cold — bad leads that might never purchase from you
Unfortunately, you aren’t able to categorize them yourself as you don’t know where they belong. So salespeople call each lead a few times, and then they focus on the ones that seem close to buying. Cherry-picking like this is natural because sales reps get paid commission for each sale and can’t tell how hot a lead is until they contact them.
There’s nothing wrong with dedicating time to hot leads. Problems with cherry picking arise when they neglect warm ones in favor of hot ones. Sales reps tend to wait until a new batch leads come in instead of doing tedious follow-up work. Warm leads grow cold, and they get forgotten. Get more from your leads and boost your profits.
Secret 2: Timing is Crucial
People purchase things because they’re ready to, not because you want them to. You need to be in front of people when they are ready, meaning that you have to consistently follow up with them. Put together a system for following up with leads, get tools to facilitate the follow-up process, and stick to it.
Secret 3: Combine Sales With Marketing
Most companies let marketing capture leads and sales convert them. There’s a big gap between getting a lead and closing a deal. Recognize that the job of marketing is more than just acquiring leads, sales is about more than heat-testing leads, and someone else has to warm leads to get them ready for sales.
Creating a warming department by sending prospects valuable and relevant information regularly; efficiently communicating with them; logging communications to the prospect; arming sales rep with information to send prospects; and tracking the progress of leads through the sales funnel.
Secret 4: Having a Living, Breathing Customer Database
If you’re looking to build a strong customer base, then you must make sure to actually build that customer base. Store all the contact, prospect, and customer data including billing information. The people in the database should be organized into meaningful groups, and you need to be able to sort through the database and find the best prospects.
Secret 5: Education, Repetition, and Variety
The follow-up should be a combination approach incorporating the following three elements:
Follow-ups should provide information to prospects and customers. Give them something valuable, or you’ll just wear out your welcome.
It’s been proven that people need to hear something several times before it really sinks in. No matter how great your own understanding of your products and services is, a prospect might not get it the first time. Be sure to repeat the information until they do.
Maximize sales by using a multistep follow-up sequence that uses direct mail, email, phone, fax, voice calls, and other media. Some prospects respond best to calls, while others prefer emails and letters. Be innovative in your approach.
By combining these five “secrets” into an automated, cohesive, fail-safe system you’ll see an incredible transformation and an increase in sales.
Categories: Business building, Online Business
Originally published at nomadify.business on January 6, 2019.